Lessons From Hurricane Preparedness Week 2021

July 3, 20210

Hurricane Preparedness Week took place May 9-15, 2021. Federal agencies like the National Weather Service (run by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration aka NOAA) gave their expert advice for bracing against this year’s major storms.

This year is proving to be yet another unprecedented year of severe storms according to the NOAA. With the season starting as soon as June 1 (and wrapping up November 30), it’s time to have your recovery plan ready and waiting. Easy to do, right? Not so much. There is a lot to consider when putting your relief plan together, which can be intimidating.

If you missed Hurricane Preparedness Week this year you’re in luck because the National Weather Service gave seven detailed steps for creating your best disaster recovery outcomes.


1. Determine Your Risks

What are the risk factors for your business, organization or area? There are a few things to consider and ask yourself to figure out how to start your relief plan. Look at your region’s history and see what the worst case scenarios have been for surges, winds, flooding, currents, and tornadoes. Use those factors to help determine what hazards you should account for as you create your plan of action.


Hurricane Preparedness: Determine Your Risk. Hurricanes bring many hazards to U.S. coastlines and inland areas, including storm surge along the coast, inland flooding due to heavy rainfall, tornadoes, strong wind, rip currents and large waves.

2. Develop an Evacuation Plan

Now that you know what’s potentially headed your way, it’s time to use those factors to make your plan. Start with knowing and documenting what to do if an evacuation is needed. Be sure to find out if you’re in an evaluation zone, have a plan for different route options depending on where your people are, and get supplies packed and ready to go with designated captains to help streamline getting your workforce to safety.


Hurricane Preparedness: Develop An Evacuation Plan. Find out today if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone and identify trusted sources for receiving evacuation orders. Plan for multiple options on where to go and how to get there. Have a go bag for supplies and a plan for your pets. Be prepared to leave immediately if ordered to evacuate.



3. Assemble Disaster Supplies and Resources

Speaking of getting supplies packed and ready to go, for businesses, hospitals, government agencies and other types of commercial and private industries, needs will differ from what individuals need to do when a disaster hits.

To be fully prepared and ready to respond for quick recovery, partnering with experts that specialize in disaster relief planning and management is essential. (Here is how you can prepare to be secure in the face of every hurricane season.)

Hurricane Preparedness: Assemble Disaster Supplies. Make a list of supplies and assemble them before hurricane season begins. Have enough food and water for each person for at least three days. Fill your prescriptions and have medicine on hand. Radios, batteries and phone chargers are also must-haves. Gas up your vehicle and have cash on hand.


4. Complete a Written Plan

Now that you understand your risk factors, have created different evacuation scenarios and assembled your resources, you’re ready to put all of this on paper (or Word document). The best part about making a relief plan is that you can adapt it for other possible disasters outside of hurricanes and severe storms. The expert resources you’ve outlined to use for this plan — if you’ve chosen correctly — can be the same that can be used for all of your relief needs in the future, regardless of the emergency.

Pro Tip! Share internally and with your stakeholders, this will show everyone that you are well-prepared for this year’s hurricane season and the ones to come.


Hurricane Preparedness: Complete A Written Hurricane Plan. Writing down your hurricane plan will help you avoid mistakes during an emergency, and ensure everyone in your home is prepared for the storm. Have a list of essential contacts, including outside the potential impact area. Review and practice your plan with your family and friends.

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